Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Ini sekedar share dari e-mail, ada yang berminat?

Monday, December 08, 2014

Bahan UAS

Bismillah, Dear my students 8a,b, c, d, e, and f... You can find the sample test i 've promised on my google drive,,, it's there on my 'Tautan',, simply click it and you'll find and download it... please tell your friends about this file and share it... well, I hope this will benefit you,,, and hope the best from my sholeh and sholehah students, amin ya Rabbal Alamiin... Hey, remmeber to say my warmest greeting to your parents yaa... hope they are well! c y

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

bagus nih untk disimak,,,

Tuesday, December 2nd,,,


Huft, today is so so... gotta go to the dentist real soon,,, gotta check my son's teeth.
I had two classes this morning, and got my students to make these cards... these are some that I could manage to scan... what do you think?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

some new chapters,,,

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuuh,

Wow, it's nice to be back again to this blog. Being a wife, a mother of a toodler and an infant, and also a single working parent is not an easy thing for me especially during these years. The economy pressure is too tight for my family and that makes almost No Me Time for me. So stressful, therefore I have to push myself to create my Me Time, that's by writing something in this blog. Hopefully, I can let go some endorphin hormones while writing and it may heal my soul, really.

All right then,
I'd like to share you small fragment of story about my lovely husband. He was an overseas seaman, but now he is going to be a traditional classic islamic healer. He has learnt the classic traditional islamic medication for almost two years in Cileungsi. He is one of Abu Muhammad Faris Al Qiyanji's students.
The study itself is a completely different thing to the subjects he used to learn and master when he was a seaman, that's why I am proud of him.
This year, he starts to examine patients for practicing. Last Saturday, he participated in a free health consultation held by Rodja in Islamic Book Fair, Istora Senayan. He has learnt that illnesses can also be diagnosed by studying one's tongue. He also studies so many medical herbs to be used in the medication and learns to make formula with the herbs.
At home, he has already made some encapsulated herbs for his own family to consume. One of the herbs that he has encapsulated is Meniran, Phylantus Niruri. I consume the herb regularly to maintain my stamina. And it helps me a lot, alhamdulillah.
I am not talking nonsense, really. I tell you, I work in Cipete area and I regularly leave home very early in the morning, I go home quite late in the evening and I still have to do regular house wive routines,,, because we don't have maid at home, it's tiring, but I still don't have any better choices and try to get tougher each days.
This herb, meniran, helps to maintain kidneys performance. My husband said in traditional classic medication kidneys play important part in our body. Healthy kidney has function to promote over all performance of human body as well as to keep human's essence.

Later on, I'll write some herbs and their functions to help us healthy. Insya Allah.